Wednesday, April 23, 2008

North Carolina Obama Ad

Oregon GOP you should do a version of this to
and maybe add The Weatherman Underground William Ayers into it.
Its amazing how many people don't know these facts
about Barrack Hussein Obama


klatu said...

Iknow: Remember I've got the Erase Button, But its good to see you checking in and looking at the North Carolina Ad.

u∃∃l!∃ said...


I think you should leave IKNOW's posts there, maybe I want to read them.

klatu said...

Eileen: Except for one Post of Iknows they are there. I've cut out his swearing at me parts. Read my posts and you'll see his cut & Pasted into the other half of mine.

So Eileen what did you think of the North Carolina add?