Wednesday, April 04, 2007



Fits her personalty.
Do I need to say anymore?????


klatu said...

Its true

u∃∃l!∃ said...

Leaving your self comments?

I just now realized you had a blog, I might check back more often.

In fact if you start adding more posts, I might even link to you.

I see potential.

klatu said...

eileen: Congrats on finding this.
I don't think Victoria even knows about this Blog. I see Lew Waters found it to. I never advertise it. Yea I'll try to add more posts, but i'm working so damm much these days so I can help support all the Socialists that got kicked off of Welfare back in 1997. They need there daily handout.

Ps: How bout that Tokyo-Rosie.
MSDNC wouldn't even take her.