Keep your TV on Foxnews Channel
Your Radio tuned to Conservative Talk Radio: example(RUSH)
and go to Conservative internet Sites.
The Liberal Media is really in the tank
for the Democrats and Obama. Surprised?
Like I said Keep your TV on Foxnews Channel.
I like Fox News,
But as far as the others go, too narrow.
Rush is bad for the conservative movement.
I instead urge you to expand.
Fox News is fine, spend MORE time listening to Fox, and tune out Rush.
Without Rush Limbaugh there would not have been a Foxnews Channel.
Without Rushlimbaugh there would not be Conservative Talk Radio today the way we know it.
Without William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan there would not have been a Rush Limbaugh.
No the Conservative movement needs more TV Networks locally and Internationally, Newpapers, Radio, Internet sites etc. in the Mold of Rush Limbaugh and Foxnews Channel.
Liberals can just turn the Channel.
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